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  • 1.  SERVICEAIDE LUMA 2.20 Release for all Data Centers

    Posted 03-27-2023 09:46

    Dear Serviceaide Luma User,

    This is to notify you of the upcoming Serviceaide Luma upgrade. This release is a monthly release that includes minor enhancements and defect fixes. The release will be deployed first in Staging and then in Production. If you find any issues during your testing in Staging please promptly report them to the support team.

    The key features in this release are as follows with additional detail available in the Release Notes

    1. Option to Clear chat on Web widget, Test Bot, and Mobile App
    2. Additional Filters on Skill Builder--> Skill list
    3. The ability for the user to send attachments (images) to support agent so that agent can download
    4. The download of Users, Group associated Users, and Skills from UI
    5. Expose Tenant SubDomain as context variable @{tenant.subDomain}
    6. Bulk Import of support groups with business hours using API and UI. Show Group Import History similar to User Import History with appropriate bot builder notifications about the progress

    Rollout Schedule:

    Start Time (IST Time)
    Finish (IST)
    Local Start
    Local Finish
    Lumastar 30 Minutes 28-Mar-2023 10:00 AM  28-Mar-2023 10:30 AM  27-Mar-2023 09:30 PM PDT 27-Mar-2023 10:00 PM PDT There will be a downtime of 10-15mins during the maintenance window
    Lumapro 30 Minutes 01-Apr-2023 10:00 AM  01-Apr-2023 10:30 AM  31-Mar-2023 09:30 PM PDT 31-Mar-2023 10:00 PM PDT There will be a downtime of 10-15mins during the maintenance window

    If you have any questions about the contents of the release and the upgrade procedure please contact theServiceaide Support team. If you have team members that did not receive this notification, please add them to the notification system at our Serviceaide Emergency Maintenance Notification Self Registration Portal

    We look forward to sharing this release with you. 


    The Serviceaide  Team

  • 2.  RE: SERVICEAIDE LUMA 2.20 Release for all Data Centers

    Posted 04-01-2023 01:17

    Dear Serviceaide Luma User,

    The upgrade completed successfully on Lumapro. We encourage you to validate this new release and report any issues.

    Shabbir Hussain
    Serviceaide Support Team