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Serviceaide Luma 3.1 Release for all Data Centers

  • 1.  Serviceaide Luma 3.1 Release for all Data Centers

    Posted 08-29-2023 09:35

    Dear Serviceaide Luma User,

    This is to notify you of the upcoming Serviceaide Luma upgrade. This release 3.1 includes enhancements and some defect fixes. The release will be deployed in Production. If you find any issues during your testing in Staging please promptly report them to the support team.

    The key features in this release are as follows with additional detail available in the Release Notes

    Luma VSA 3.1 - September 2023

      • Enhancement to GUI Skill Builder 
        • Aligning and bridging the gap from Classic Designer to Visual Designer
      • Ability to Copy step(s) within and across skills
      • Alert for unsaved changes in a Skill
      • Easy access to Recently used control
      • Send Article feedback using Set KPI step
      • WhatsApp (Direct) Channel Integration

    Luma KM 3.1 - September 2023

    • Leverage Generative AI (Open AI) technology to enhance the following functionality within Luma Knowledge.
      • Avoid creating duplicate FAQs
      • Regenerate FAQs at artifact update
      • Generative AI: Support of Non-English content (already part of patch 3.0.1)
    • UI Improvements
      • Change graph view on Catalog Store and Knowledge Store to File explorer view
      • 'Generate Access Key' action available at Tenant Details screen
      • Knowledge Gap screen revamp

    Rollout Schedule from Operations with local times

    Start Time (IST Time)
    Finish (IST)
    Local Start
    Local Finish
    Lumastar and Lumaace 60 Minutes 04-Sep-2023 10:00 AM  04-Sep-2023 11:00 AM  03-Sep-2023  09:30 PM PST 03-Sep-2023  10:30 PM PST There will be a downtime of 30-45mins during the start of the maintenance window
    Lumapro and Lumaproedge 60  Minutes 04-Sep-2023 11:00 AM 04-Sep-2023 12:00 PM  03-Sep-2023  10:30 PM PST 03-Sep-2023  11:30 PM PST There will be a downtime of 30 mins during the start of the maintenance window

    If you have any questions about the contents of the release and the upgrade procedure please contact theServiceaide Support team. If you have team members that did not receive this notification, please add them to the notification system at our Serviceaide Emergency Maintenance Notification Self Registration Portal

    We look forward to sharing this release with you. 


    Serviceaide Team