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SSL Certificate got renewed on ISM in all Datacenters

  • 1.  SSL Certificate got renewed on ISM in all Datacenters

    Posted 04-19-2023 02:05

    Dear All,

    As the SSL Certificates got renewed on all ISM environment, In case you are using ADSync utility in ISM , We request you to change the SSL certificates immediately  by following below steps :

    Below are the steps for importing the new/updated certificate for ADSync utility :

    1. Click the View Site Information icon (the lock icon) next to the application URL in your browser address bar.
    2. Navigate to Certificate, Details, and click Copy to File.
    3. Click Next and set the format as .DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER).
    4. Click Next, enter the file name, and save the file.
    5. Click Next, verify the path, and click Finish.
    6. Copy the saved certificate file to the ADSync root (ad-user-sync\) location.
    7. Navigate to ad-user-sync\ location.
    8. Import the saved certificate file to the ADSync local keystore si, by running the following command from the ad-user-sync location:
    Keytool –import –trustcacerts –alias aliasname –keystore si –file saved_certificate_file_name.cer
    Use itmaas as password, when prompted for one.
    Alias name could be anything, for example, Intelligent Service Management-AD-connection.
    9. After the command runs successfully, a file name si is created in ad-user-sync location.

    If you have any questions, please contact the Serviceaide Support team.


    Serviceaide Team

    Prasanna Nagaraj